Join Us

Guild Membership

The Nutmeg Spinners Guild is a membership organization open to everyone who is a handspinner or is interested in learning the art and craft of handspinning. All skill levels are welcome. Come and visit! Non-members are welcome with a guest fee of $10.00 unless otherwise noted in the program description for each meeting.

The guild represents the state of Connecticut, and also includes members from bordering states. Our members may be regularly found volunteering and demonstrating spinning at events, festivals, and other educational venues.

We meet formally on Saturdays five times per year, typically in the centrally located city of West Hartford, CT, close to I-84. Meetings open at 8:30 a.m., with the program starting at 9:00 a.m., concluding at 2:30 p.m.

Our meetings are dedicated to learning and sharing, and typically feature a mentor who teaches a skill or leads a discussion on a topic. We host a Beginners Corner for people who are new to spinning and are looking for one-on-one or small group coaching. Meeting topics may include fiber and preparation, spinning skills for creating different types of yarn, how to use fiber tools, as well as topics related to spinning such as knitting, felting, weaving and related fiber skills. Bring your own lunch, spindle or spinning wheel, and fiber to spin, or visit one of our vendors. Our hostess and volunteers make coffee, tea, “and,” available for a small donation.

    Our meetings typically include:

    • Program
    • Beginner’s Corner
    • Business Meeting
    • Project Sharing
    • Scotch Auction (member-donated fibers, tools, books, etc)
    • Library
    • Vendor Sales

    Member benefits:

    • Newsletter
    • Mentoring
    • Program cost included in member dues (materials fees may apply)
    • Access to our lending Library
    • Voting privileges
    • Ability to serve on the Board of Directors and to volunteer

    Becoming A Member

    A membership form to print and mail (or bring to our next meeting) is available here. For additional membership information or questions, please contact Barbara Morrow, Membership Chair

    Dues are payable June 1 for membership from July 1 to June 30. New and renewing members are welcome at any time.

    Membership levels are as follows:

    Membership LevelCostPay Online
    Individual: 1 year $25.00$25.00 Check / $25.94 PayPal
    Family: 1 year $35.00$35.00 Check / $36.32 PayPal
    Newsletter Only $10$10.00 Check / $10.29 PayPal
    Non-Member Meeting Fee $10.00$10.29 PayPal Only

    Welcome to the home of the Nutmeg Spinners Guild