Nutmeg Spinners Guild


Welcome to the home of the Nutmeg Spinners Guild! Nutmeg Spinners Guild is Connecticut’s statewide guild for handspinners.  The Guild has been an active part of Connecticut’s fiber arts scene for more than 20 years.  Our membership is large and diverse, coming from throughout Connecticut and nearby states.

We meet five times a year on the first Saturday of the month in October, February, April and June. In December we meet the second Saturday. Meetings usually run from about 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

October 5

Spinning for Weaving
Presented by Louise Gould

This meeting will be held both in-person and online. We will start with a beginner’s corner and open spin at 9:00. The program will start at 10:00.

Our October meeting will focus on spinning for weaving. This is a two way street, after many years as a weaver, many weavers begin to wonder if they could create their own threads for special effects. Similarly, after spinning yarn for many years spinners  begin to wonder if their precious yarn might be put to use in weaving. During the meeting we will start with a sheep, consider prep of a fleece for weaving, explore the creation of yarn for special effects in weaving, and end with everyone having a sample of their own weaving using hand spun to take home.

Louise Gould had her first loom as a child. As an undergraduate student at Purdue she was spellbound by the floor looms in the weaving studio on her way to class, so she signed up for a class. She had her first four shaft floor loom in about 1968. By 1971 she had her first spinning wheel. As a retired professor these days she has her own spinning and weaving studio at home.

Attendees should bring their wheel and small bits of fiber to spin.

Hospitality: Members with a last name beginning with the letters A – G, please bring a baked good to share.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the guild, please contact or sign up here

Welcome to the home of the Nutmeg Spinners Guild